Live Shopping

If you are as old as me, you might remember the good old telemarketing days. In the olden times - like my 5 year-old daughter refers to anything slightly older than her age - QVC and other shopping channels offered a unique shopping experience, without leaving home. More than once I had found myself staring blankly into the silver screen, mesmerised as men and women with broad smiles showed how to actually use the products they are selling. 

Live Shopping is the same, but it is on social media where we spend most of our media time nowadays. Instagram Live Shopping, Facebook Live Shopping and TikTok Live Shopping are all on stage, offering us a new way to shop online.

How can e-commerce companies embrace Live Social Sales and grow their revenues?

Let’s start with Instagram Live Shopping. 

It is a new way to enable brands and creators to sell products during a Live broadcast. 

If you have access to Instagram checkout (you would if you are based in the US and also in the UK now), you can tag your products from your FB shop or catalogue et voila! - you are ready. 

Your viewers will be able to see the featured products at the bottom of the live broadcast screen and they can easily tap to purchase without leaving Instagram. 

Instagram Live is a great way to connect with your audience as it is authentic, unpolished and real. It allows you to connect and interact with your audience in real-time in a less filtered, more human way. It is a great feature that brings Instagram, closer to other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat which saw a great growth in the recent year and closer to real life. 

It is also a great way to increase your reach as your lives will be highly visible to your followers. Instagram is now providing analytics on your live broadcasts as they see this as a main part of their offering. 

Try using influencers, trusted spokespeople to showcase your products in your online session. This will definitely humanise the modern day teleshopping experience. 

Don’t forget to experiment using different platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat. There are lots of tools out there which integrate your catalogues and sessions so that it is easier to manage.  

Looking at all the investment the platforms are putting into this and the revenues gained, this is no fad. So start getting your toes wet and experimenting, the sooner the better.

Siren Uludag

Source: New York Magazine and

  • 80% of audiences would rather watch a livestream than read a blog post

  • 82% of audiences would rather watch a livestream than see a social media post

  • 67% of audiences who watched a livestream bought a ticket to a similar event the next time it happened


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